Professor Comer and colleagues at Monterrey Tec
Professor Comer with colleagues
Monterrey Tec University Monterrey, Mexico, 2009




Professor Comer's classes on Channnel 13 News

Visiting Professorship (Líder Académico)

2009 September. “Líder Académico,”
Visiting Scholar in Humanities and Social Sciences
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Campus Monterrey
Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

The Líder Académico program brings to Tec an invited scholar who gives a series of undergraduate, graduate and faculty seminars, and a keynote address.   I was invited to propose a series of seminars and offer an address broadly on the topics of Cultural Studies, Theories of Space, and Gender.

Lecture Series: Gender, Space, Politics.
As a series of seminars in English and Spanish about contemporary spatial theory and its utility for literary and cultural studies, we survey defining thinkers, concepts, and events, as well as moments and keywords, associated with the recent spatial turn in critical theory.  At the center of our discussions is the category of gender and its crucial implication in all matters related to the sociality of space.  Across the disciplines, feminists have written extensively about the consequences of the division of modern capitalist spaces into the realm of the public and the private, the center and periphery.  Understood as gendered male, the public spaces of the city, the marketplace, the prison, the State, and the open road, define themselves against the private spaces of female gendered home and the domestic and “personal.”  To focus questions about the present moment and the reconstitution of gender and space currently underway in the world system, we put our theoretical readings into conversation with Gonzalez & Daughter Trucking Company: A Road Novel with Literary License (2005), by Mexican writer María Amparo Escandón who lives in Los Angeles.

Keynote Address: Surfing the New World Order 
Framing for the seminar series a set of important contemporary questions related to space, gender, and politics, this address takes up issues of the local and global as they have been reordered by globalization in the context of surfing as both a local/global subculture of some six million participants as well as surfing an influential rhetoric which articulates movements associated with new technologies and postindustrial mobilities.  Drawing from ethnography, globalization theory, surf literature, film, and popular culture, I work with girl surfers and Western girlhood as a masthead of neoliberal “freedoms” to think through current challenges to and openings for activism, intergenerational and transnational feminisms, female life flourishing, and globalization from below.  

Undergraduate Seminar for Hispanic Literature Majors #1.   Title: Epistemologies of the South

Undergraduate Seminar for Hispanic Literature Majors #2.  Title:  Transborder Feminisms

Graduate and Faculty Seminar in Humanities #1.  Title:  Genealogies

Graduate and Faculty Seminar in the Humanities #2.   Title:  Space, Place, Gender

Graduate and Faculty Seminar in the Humanities #3.   Title:  I Am Where I Think

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